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Tuck Stand Tiffins - Daily Meal subscriptions in your office space

Daily meals, offices, corporate, food,  tiffin services
Daily Meals - now in your office

As companies have gradually started resuming their regular operations and getting their workforces back into the office space, the safety and convenience of their staff is still a major concern for them. Even while working with a skeleton crew of 30%, the HR team is constantly trying out new approaches to boost morale and improve productivity during such challenging times.

With the scare still quite prominent, food options for employees is definitely a major challenge. Earlier most working professionals relied either on office cafeterias or online food deliveries from nearby restaurants, they are forced to cook and bring their own food considering the growing number of infection cases. With some who are capable of cooking, others are finding it difficult to get cooks and maids inside their homes considering the potential threat that they bring.

Hence, with the number of queries Tuck Stand received for delivering daily meals to corporate offices and co-working spaces, we pivoted to extend our daily meal subscription services(Tuck Stand @Home) to them. With Tuck Stand Tiffins, we provide a daily home-style food subscription during breakfast, lunch, and snack hours to companies by delivering them the chosen food items to the building’s reception. We ensure that the food is delivered on a daily basis at the stipulated time ensuring that you do not have to fret another moment thinking about your next meal or snack. This model ensures social distancing coupled with a regularly updated menu that is made in kitchens that have world-class safety and hygienic standards.

Tuck Stand believes in promoting our partner vendors alongside the company brand considering the safety and standards that they bring to the table. With food options currently available from Homely and Banquet18, a company knows that they can’t go wrong with the quality and variety that they offer.

With a daily changing menu, we share the menu with the customers a week in advance to allow them to pick the combo that they preferred for that day. This not only allowed the customers to preplan their weekly meals in advance, but it also eliminated the constant need of browsing various menus daily determining what to eat. With the full week’s order in hand, it also allows us to communicate better with the kitchens, allowing them time to preplan their inventory and reducing wastage during these economically challenging times.

Getting home-styled food delivered directly to offices not only showcases the effort taken by corporates towards the welfare of their employees but it also allows them to save additional time. Home-styled food is also considered as a much healthier alternative to restaurant food, which is difficult to digest if consumed on a daily basis.

With some of the companies not having their corporate cafeteria not functioning in full effect, this is the right interim option for companies or individuals to opt for to ensure that there are no disruptions in office, at least when it comes to food. And then there are co-working spaces which are also seeing their members returning back to the community. Such daily meal subscription deliveries at the reception showcase an image of normalcy especially as they cannot host regular buffets or get-togethers like they usually do.

All in all, with a lack of authorized hygienic kitchens close to the business areas, relying on well established and reputed kitchens is a far safer option than risking your health from unknown eateries.

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